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Johanna Zabawa – Assistant Director
I am excited to share the news that Johanna Zabawa has joined the directorial team at Pemi as an Assistant Director!
In September of 2022, Johanna returned to Pemi in a year-round, multi-faceted role encompassing winter administrative duties as well as overseeing Pemi’s Health and Wellness efforts. This past winter, Johanna added the role of registrar, working with new 2024 families on preparing for the coming summer. I’m sure they can all attest to her consistent and effective communications, ability to calm pre-camp nerves and curiosities, and passion for the camp experience. All Pemi families have benefited from her attention to detail and work behind the scenes organizing information for the coming summer.
During the summer, Johanna adds a layer of expertise and support for both campers and staff. Her amiable and welcoming demeanor allows the boys and counselors to seek her out for guidance and support, whether that is working with a Junior camper missing home or an Assistant Counselor learning about his new role as a staff member. All benefit for her work and presence at Pemi.
An area of focus that Johanna has naturally gravitated towards is the year-round management of Pemi’s Health and Wellness efforts. While most see this in action during the summer months at the Health Center, her consistent focus on ensuring that Pemi is following best practices has elevated Pemi’s operations even further.
Johanna’s family history is intertwined with Pemi’s origin, as her great-grandfather was Gar Fauver, one of Pemi’s founders. She is joined at camp each summer by her husband, Nick, and daughters, Charlotte and Holly. During the non-summer months, Johanna and family live in St. Paul, Minnesota.
The 2024 summer will mark Johanna’s 10th summer at Pemi; she has been a Pemi West participant, program staff member, baseball coach, trip counselor, and Head of Staff.
Please join me in congratulating Johanna on becoming an Assistant Director at Camp Pemigewassett!
-Kenny Moore, Director