Camp Pemigewassett is in Wentworth, New Hampshire, on the edge of the White Mountain National Forest and in the heart of NH’s Lakes Region, 30 miles north of Hanover (home of Dartmouth College). Here’s a map.
Our Lake
Known as Lower Baker Pond, our lake is ~1 mile long and 1/2 mile wide, ideal for paddling, sailing, skiing, and swimming. We are the sole residents on our lake, ensuring both safety and privacy; i.e. no public party boats or jet skis!
170 boys at any one time (255 total for all three sessions) with openings for approximately 65 new campers each summer. About half of our boys attend for the full seven-week session. Our return rate is high; 82% of campers who are eligible to return, do so.
Boys aged 8–15. Many come from New England and mid-Atlantic states, though in any given year 24–28 states and 6–10 countries are represented.